美國國家圖書獎得主藉小說探討社區本質。1970年代,人稱「休閒外套」的教堂老執事,衝進南布魯克林一處社會住宅廣場,在眾目睽睽下射殺了社區的年輕毒販。The reasons for this desperate burst of violence and the consequences that spring from it lie at the heart of Deacon King Kong, James McBride’s funny, moving novel and his first since his National Book Award-winning The Good Lord Bird. In Deacon King Kong, McBride brings to vivid life the people affected by the shooting: the victim, the African-American and Latinx residents who witnessed it, the white neighbors, the local cops assigned to investigate, the members of the Five Ends Baptist Church where Sportcoat was deacon, the neighborhood’s Italian mobsters, and Sportcoat himself.