Death and other Happy Endings | 拾書所

Death and other Happy Endings

$ 565 元 原價 715




Jennifer Cole被診斷出血癌末期,僅剩下三個月的壽命。僅剩的90天,讓她與朋友和家人說再見,還有交待瑣事。僅剩的90天,診斷結果一點也不公平,超乎想像,甚至開不了口。往好處想(她不需要活在沒有大衛‧鮑伊和瑪雅‧安傑盧的世界;她不會像父母一樣得到阿茲海默症或帕金森氏症),她意識到自己唯一的遺憾:永遠失去親人。



Jennifer Cole has just been told that she has a terminal blood disease. She has three months to live -- ninety days to say goodbye to friends and family and put her affairs in order. Trying to focus on the positives (at least she’ll never lose her teeth) Jennifer realises she has one overriding regret: the words she’s left unsaid.

Rather than pursuing a frantic bucket list, she chooses to stay put, and write letters to three significant people in her life: her overbearing, selfish sister, her jelly-spined, cheating ex-husband, and her charming, unreliable ex-boyfriend finally telling them the things she’s always wanted to say but never dared.

At first, Jennifer feels cleansed by her catharsis. Liberated, even. But once you start telling the truth, it's hard to stop. And, as she soon discovers, the truth isn't always as straightforward as it seems, and death has a way of surprising you .

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