The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership | 拾書所

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership

$ 499 元 原價 825
【比爾蓋茲推薦書單】 《我生命中的一段歷險: 迪士尼執行長羅伯特.艾格十五年學到的課題》 迪士尼董事長艾格於2005年公司艱難時刻任執行長,將願景歸納為3大明確想法:品質攸關,擁抱而非對抗科技,放大思維—宏觀全球—把迪士尼變成國際更強品牌。 The CEO of Disney, one of Time's most influential people of 2019, shares the ideas and values he embraced to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world and inspire the people who bring the magic to life. Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Morale had deteriorated, competition was intense, and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company's history. His vision came down to three clear ideas- Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger-think global-and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.

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