Hurrah for Gin: A Book for Perfectly Imperfect Parents | 拾書所

Hurrah for Gin: A Book for Perfectly Imperfect Parents

$ 499 元 原價 499


英國親子部落客Katie Kirby的手繪育兒日記

英國親子部落客Katie Kirby育有兩個可愛的寶貝男孩,在仿間充斥著如何育兒及培育親子關係的部落格,她發現居然沒有人分享日常生活中最真實、血淋淋的育兒文章,她決定以手繪的火柴人,搭配爆笑、令人哭笑不得的文字敘述,打造名為《Hurrah For Gin》的部落格,精采記錄她與兩個寶貝兒子的親子大戰心路歷程。透過Kirby風趣幽默的文筆,真實刻劃日常生活中的育兒大小事,理想與現實總是天差地遠,儘管孩子再可愛,也有如同小惡魔的一面。Katie以爆笑的圖文,勇敢表達身為成熟的大人,也有抓狂難忍的時候,同時傳達正面能量,期望所有父母勇敢迎接每日的育兒挑戰。Kirby在書中提到:「我愛我的孩子,尤其是他們在床上熟睡的時候。把手上的酒杯斟滿吧!看著手機裡存著孩子可愛的臉龐,就是最美的時刻。」


This book is not a how-to-guide. It won't tell you how to get your baby to sleep, how to deal with toddler tantrums, how to be a good parent, a cool parent or even a renegade parent. It is a book about parenting that contains absolutely no useful advice whatsoever.

Instead it shares beautifully honest anecdotes and illustrations from the parenting frontline that demonstrate it is perfectly possible to love your children with the whole of your heart whilst finding them incredibly irritating at the same time.

From pregnancy to starting school, Hurrah For Gin takes you through the exciting, frustrating, infuriating and wonderful whirlwind of parenthood, offering solidarity and a friendly hug after a tough day.

Best served with gin.

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