The Warlow Experiment | 拾書所

The Warlow Experiment

$ 499 元 原價 499


1793年,住在威爾斯邊界旁的一棟莊園裡的Herbert Powyss,他有錢、也有時間去追求符合紳士格調的投資和實驗,他選擇的領域是園藝,除此之外,Powyss也渴望在科學上獲得成就。




只有一個男人John Warlow前來應徵,他有妻子和六個小孩要養,不太識字,平常靠勞力賺錢,計畫開始之後,原本就不太識字的Warlow對閱讀一點興趣也沒有,也沒辦法紀錄自己的日常,反而對跑進房間裡的青蛙比較感興趣。



Herbert Powyss lives in an estate in the Welsh Marches, with enough time and income to pursue a gentleman's fashionable investigations and experiments in botany. But he longs to make his mark in the field of science--something consequential enough to present to the Royal Society in London. He hits on a radical experiment in isolation: For seven years a subject will inhabit three rooms in the basement of the manor house, fitted out with rugs, books, paintings, and even a chamber organ. Meals will arrive thrice daily via a dumbwaiter. The solitude will be totally unrelieved by any social contact whatsoever; the subject will keep a diary of his daily thoughts and actions. The pay: fifty pounds per annum, for life.

    Only one man is desperate to apply for the job: John Warlow, a semi-literate laborer with a wife and six children to provide for. The experiment, a classic Enlightenment exercise gone more than a little mad, will have unforeseen consequences for all included.

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