Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad's Guide to Surviving the First Two Years | 拾書所

Diaper Dude: The Ultimate Dad's Guide to Surviving the First Two Years

$ 473 元 原價 525



本書共同作者Chris Pegula,是美國知名網站Diaper Dude的創辦人,這個網站提供許多給潮爸的育兒指南而聲名大噪,作者甚至上過歐普拉秀分享他設計育兒產品的心得。

在本書中,Chris Pegula將他照顧2歲前寶寶的經驗與讀者分享,並且堅定地告訴你,在成為父親後,你還是可以保有自我。



Dude, you're a dad now!

Picking up where From Dude to Dad left off, author and founder of the popular Diaper Dude parenting brand Chris Pegula dives into the first two years of parenting and furthers his deeply held belief that you don't have to lose yourself when you become a father.

Once again written in Pegula's everyman voice and filled with humorous takes on fatherhood from the front lines, the book is an easy-to-read resource for new dads, combining hard-won lessons learned, pitfalls to avoid, and practical advice from a dude who hasn't lost his identity (or his sanity). 

Filled with useful information, hilarious stories of dad madness, a little psychology and science, and engaging sidebars, Diaper Dude covers everything from bonding, babyproofing, and when you'll have sex again to toddlerhood, tantrums, and tag-teaming with your partner to cover all the bases while staying (somewhat) sane.

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