The World In Prints: The History of Advertising Posters from the Late 19th Century to the 1940s | 拾書所

The World In Prints: The History of Advertising Posters from the Late 19th Century to the 1940s

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 因為效益良好且傳播快速,18世紀末的法國非常盛行利用海報宣傳新聞或廣告產品。藝術型海報誕生於唯美主義、科技進步和社會變革的融合,在平均主義精神的影響下,許多優秀的藝術家也紛紛投入實用藝術中。巴黎海報之父Jules Cheret找尋出低成本的彩色石版印刷方法,1870年代開始進行大量創作。新興的中產階級也對於新型態的消費產品例如文學出版物、戲劇活動和休閒娛樂等產生極高興趣,大量的設計圖像接融入「生活之樂」的元素,而這段期間也被稱為巴黎的美好年代,海報運用的黃金時代也隨之展開。


The lowly placard, a quick and efficient device used to spread news or advertise goods, ascended to the level of a respected art form in the late 1800's in France. The `art poster' was born at the convergence of new aesthetic movements, technological advances and societal changes. Fine artists were swayed from their lofty perches to join the practical arts, influenced by the egalitarian spirit of the Arts and Crafts movement. Artist Jules Cheret, "Father of the Modern Poster," perfected a means of high-quality printing that produced large, colour saturated images. An emerging middle class was the ready target for the consumption of newly manufactured goods, literary publications, theatrical events and leisure time entertainment. A sea of gorgeous images added a "joie de vivre" to everyday life, introducing a period of French life now know as the Belle Epoque. These posters, although ephemeral in intent, have been collected and continually reproduced over the subsequent decades, a testament to their timeless beauty and emotional depth. This book chronicles the influence of the art poster in France and its rapid spread across Europe and United States and offers to the readers an artist's poster tour of the development of the art poster.

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