Stop Reading the News | 拾書所

Stop Reading the News

$ 565 元 原價 715
瑞士經濟學博士暨暢銷作家杜伯里以《思考的藝術》、《行為的藝術》、《生活的藝術》享譽全球。二〇一三年,他面對滿屋的新聞記者,宣稱自己不看新聞而引發騷動。新聞是最毒的資訊型態,損害人的專注力與健康,而不當的責任感也可能誤導人的行為。十年來,他貫徹自己的宣言不看新聞。本書闡明他的不看新聞哲學,也提供讀者不看新聞的生活良方。 News is to the mind what sugar is to the body. In 2013 Rolf Dobelli stood in front of a roomful of journalists and proclaimed that he did not read the news. It caused a riot. Now he finally sets down his philosophy in detail. And he p

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