墨西哥亡靈風、鬼魅華麗呼應萬聖節/精裝硬殼/內附全彩說明手冊圖案創作靈感源於墨西哥「亡靈節」(The Day of Dead)、與墨西哥中低階層民眾的另類信仰--「死亡聖神」(Santa Muerte)
A masterpiece of inspired imagery, this tarot deck is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte.
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
A masterpiece of inspired imagery, this tarot deck is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte.
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.