The Irishman (Movie Tie-In Ed.) | 拾書所

The Irishman (Movie Tie-In Ed.)

$ 277 元 原價 350


Netflix即將上映的電影,由馬丁.史柯西斯執導,勞勃.狄尼洛主演的《愛爾蘭人》原著。作者Charles Brandt透過黑幫殺手Frank Sheeran的訪談與史料,創作出原名為《聽說你油漆了房子》(I heard You Paint Houses)的調查報告,本書被喻為史詩級的黑幫報導文學。

1960年代擔任美國貨車司機兄弟會的領導人Jimmy HoffaFrank Sheeran見面的第一句話是:「我聽說你油漆了房子。」這一句其實是美國黑幫的行話,意指殺人,油漆指的是噴灑在牆壁與地板的血。根據作者採訪Frank Sheeran歷時五年的紀錄,這個愛爾蘭人坦承替義大利黑幫犯下了25宗以上的謀殺案,其中的被害人包括他的朋友Jimmy Hoffa

Sheeran在二次大戰服役期間學會了如何殺人,回到美國後到處招搖撞騙,且成了職業殺手,在傳奇的黑幫老大羅素.布法利諾手下工作。根據曾經當過檢察官的前紐約市長朱利安尼的說法,Frank Sheeran是唯一兩個搬得上檯面的非義大利裔的黑手黨高級成員。

當布法利諾命令Sheeran殺掉Hoffa時,他必須照做,否則他反而會被幹掉。Sheeran的故事,一一道出了美國史上未解的種種謎團,其中包括Jimmy Hoffa的失蹤其實是遭到Sheeran謀殺,他還坦承甘迺迪被刺一案與他有關。作者帶領讀者來到美國犯罪集團的內部,了解黑幫的運作模式、他們的敵人、以及與主流政界的關係,本書已經成為黑幫報導的經典之作。

New York Times Bestseller

Now a major motion picture directed by Academy Award® winner Martin Scorsese, starring Academy Award® winners Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, Anna Paquin, and Academy Award® nominee Harvey Keitel, and written by Academy Award® winner Steven Zaillian.

The Irishman “gives new meaning to the term ‘guilty pleasure.’’’ — Bryan Burrough, author of Public Enemies, in The New York Times Book Review

“Told with such economy and chilling force as to make The Sopranos suddenly seem overwrought and theatrical.” —New York Daily News

“A terrific read.” —Kansas City Star

Includes an Epilogue and a Conclusion that detail substantial post-publication corroboration of Frank Sheeran's revelations about the killings of Jimmy Hoffa, Joey Gallo and JFK.

The Irishman is an epic saga of organized crime in post-war America told through the eyes of World War II veteran Frank Sheeran, a hustler and hitman who worked for legendary crime boss Russell Bufalino alongside some of the most notorious figures of the 20th Century. Spanning decades, Sheeran’s story chronicles one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in American history, the disappearance of legendary union boss Jimmy Hoffa, and it offers a monumental journey through the hidden corridors of organized crime: its inner workings, rivalries and connections to mainstream politics. Sheeran would rise to a position of such prominence that in a RICO suit against The Commission of La Cosa Nostra, the US Government would name him as one of only two non-Italians in conspiracy with the Commission. Sheeran is listed alongside the likes of Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano and Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno.

In the course of nearly five years of recorded interviews, Sheeran confessed to Charles Brandt that he handled more than twenty-five hits for the mob, and Brandt turned Sheeran’s story into a page-turning true crime classic.

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