小人剋星蘇頓教授用這本書解決你的所有疑惑。一個行事冷酷粗糙的主管可能帶給組織嚴重損失,像是員工效率低落、故意犯錯,甚至身心失衡。本書案例遍及各類辦公場所,像是動畫王國皮克斯與微型啤酒廠濫觴Anchor Steam Brewery。蘇頓教揭露了好主管會透過多元而環環相扣的步驟,創造充滿效率且兼顧人性的工作環境。本書提供實用技巧,教主管如何取得主導權,學習帶人,傳遞領導經驗。蘇頓教授告訴你如何成為員工爭相效力的好主管,書中充滿趣味及豐富的指南,是所有主管必備的參考書,也是員工的求生指南。
本書介出自遠見天下出版《好老闆, 壞老闆: 部屬不說但你非懂不可的管理祕技》
Now with a new chapter that focuses on what great bosses really do. Dr. Sutton reveals new insights that he's learned since the writing of Good Boss, Bad Boss. Sutton adds revelatory thoughts about such legendary bosses as Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs, A.G. Lafley, and many more, and how you can implement their techniques.
If you are a boss who wants to do great work, what can you do about it? Good Boss, Bad Boss is devoted to answering that question. Stanford Professor Robert Sutton weaves together the best psychological and management research with compelling stories and cases to reveal the mindset and moves of the best (and worst) bosses. This book was inspired by the deluge of emails, research, phone calls, and conversations that Dr. Sutton experienced after publishing his blockbuster bestseller The No Asshole Rule. He realized that most of these stories and studies swirled around a central figure in every workplace: THE BOSS. These heart-breaking, inspiring, and sometimes funny stories taught Sutton that most bosses - and their followers - wanted a lot more than just a jerk-free workplace. They aspired to become (or work for) an all-around great boss, somebody with the skill and grit to inspire superior work, commitment, and dignity among their charges.