How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention, and Discovery | 拾書所

How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention, and Discovery

$ 435 元 原價 550


2015年必讀的最佳創意書!「物聯網」概念提出者Kevin Ashton研究改變世界重大創新的幕後故事,探索創造力的真相,解釋創造力從何而來!


舉凡阿基米德、蘋果、可口可樂或是伍迪艾倫,Kevin Ashton引領人們走入這些創新產生的背後,運用故事、歷史先例與科學證明──你不需要擁有天才的頭腦、時時刻刻被繆斯女神眷顧,創造力並非神祕莫測,而是來自於日常生活中點點滴滴的累積。

Kevin Ashton藉由本書讓人們重新認識創造力,它並非憑空而降,而是前幾代人共同努力下的成果展現!

In the vein of Susan Cain's QUIET and Malcolm Gladwell's DAVID AND GOLIATH, HOW TO FLY A HORSE is a smart, empowering book that dispels the myths around genius and creativity.

There is a myth about how something new comes to be; that geniuses have dramatic moments of insight where great things and thoughts are born whole. Poems are written in dreams. Symphonies are composed complete. Science is accomplished with eureka shrieks. Businesses are built by magic touch.

The myth is wrong. Anyone can create. Necessity is not the mother of invention. We all are.

In How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention and Discovery, acclaimed technology pioneer Kevin Ashton takes us behind the scenes of creation to reveal the true process of discovery. From Archimedes to Apple, from Kandinsky to the Coke can, from the Wright brothers - who set out to ‘fly a horse’ - to Woody Allen, he exposes the seemingly unremarkable individuals, gradual steps, multiple failures and countless ordinary and often uncredited acts that led to our most astounding breakthroughs.

Along the way he explores why innovators meet resistance and how they overcome it, why most organisations stifle creative people, and how the most creative organisations really work.

In a passionate and profound narrative, How to Fly a Horse explodes the myths on how ‘new’ comes to be.

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