Fashion Illustration Daily Look Inspiration | 拾書所

Fashion Illustration Daily Look Inspiration

$ 675 元 原價 750


從簡約時尚到甜美優雅,從工作通勤到率性街拍 。
這裡有個性的自我飛揚。也有對民族韻味的迷戀與詮釋。阿蓮娜•拉輔多夫斯加亞編、張晨編譯的《 時尚視覺盛宴-時裝插畫》包含200多個精彩時裝插畫。


本書不僅適用於從事插畫事業的專業人員 ,也適用於對自身形象有著美好追求的人士,讀者可以從書中汲取搭配的經驗,來點亮平時日常裝扮,打造屬於自己的著裝風格,展開一場風格多樣、五光十色的時尚視覺盛宴! 同時《時尚視覺盛宴:時裝插畫》之姐妹篇——《時 尚視覺盛宴:禮服插畫》即將華麗登場!敬請期待!

This book collects over 200 fantastic fashion illustrations ranging from garments to accessories. It combines illustrative text and referential cases and introduces the common categories and current significance of fashion illustration. Established illustrators are also invited to share their experience in creating exquisite illustrations of clothes, accessories and helping the audience discover the beauty of fashion illustrations. It is recommended not only for professional illustrators, but for those who who love fashion and pursue their own style.

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