Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done | 拾書所

Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done

$ 473 元 原價 525




本書作者喬許.戴維斯博士曾任哥倫比亞大學心理學助理教授,現任紐約神經領導力研究院(NeuroLeadership Institute)研究總監暨首席教授,長年研究神經科學與心理學,文章散見《哈佛商業評論》、《策略與企業》(strategy+business)、《今日心理學》(Psychology Today)等商業與學術媒體。



• 辨識每個決定點:妥善利用做完一件事或被打斷後的5分鐘,想一下後續該處理哪件事;別擔心「浪費時間」的問題,想趕快做事的急迫感,有時會讓我們先把時間誤用在不重要的事上,消耗我們的心力。

• 管理心智能量,善用好情緒與壞情緒:所有事都會消耗心智能量、引發情緒,學會在心智疲勞之前,先集中精神做最重要的事。全球流行天后碧昂絲(Beyoncé)說:「緊張,讓我表現得更好」;正面情緒是養分,但負面情緒不必然是毒素,正、負面情緒都可以用來提升工作表現與成果。

• 停止對抗分心,學會放自己一馬:專注是成功的要素,但人類的注意力系統天生善於留意分心事物,這是演化的生存必要策略之一。學會讓心思漫遊,東想西想、作作白日夢,對提升創意和思考未來都有幫助。

• 妥善利用身心關連性:掌握運動和飲食的訣竅,能讓你表現得更出色。適量、溫和的運動可以提升專注力和心智能量,吃什麼、怎麼吃、一次吃多少,也會影響你的表現。咖啡因有助於提升效率,但不是喝多就有用,少即是多,無效時小睡10分鐘更好。

• 打造對自己有益的工作環境:辦公環境中的噪音、光線和桌邊雜物,都會影響你的工作效能。斷斷續續的談話聲,是專心工作的頭號勁敵,但戴耳機聽音樂並非最佳解方。較昏暗的光線可催生創意,辦公空間大一點,則有助於多冒點險、展現領導自信。

Feeling overwhelmed with work and life demands? Rushing, multitasking, or relying on fancy devices and apps won't help. The answer is to create the conditions for two awesome hours of peak productivity per day.

Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, Josh Davis, director of research at the NeuroLeadership Institute explains clearly that our brains and bodies operate according to complex biological needs that, when leveraged intelligently, can make us incredibly effective. From what and when we eat, to when we tackle tasks or disengage—how we plan our activities has a huge impact on performance. Davis shows us how we can create the conditions for two awesome hours of effective mental performance by:

‧Recognizing when to effective flip the switch on our automatic thinking;
‧Scheduling tasks based on their “processing demand” and recovery time;
‧Learning how to direct attention, rather than avoid distractions;
‧Feeding and moving our bodies in ways that prep us for success;
‧Identifying what matters in our environment to be at the top of our mental game.

We are capable of impressive feats of comprehension, motivation, thinking, and performance when our brain and biological systems are functioning optimally. Two Awesome Hours will show you how to be your most productive every day.

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