Barking up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong | 拾書所

Barking up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong

$ 249 元 原價 315





本書作者艾瑞克•巴克為多家主流媒體長期撰稿人,作品散見於《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《大西洋月刊》等,他的部落格網站Barking Up the Wrong Tree訂戶超過32萬人,文章同步轉載於《時代》雜誌與《商業內幕》。


● 職場到底是靠實力還是靠人脈?除非你真的很懂;五個方法,幫助你有效建立人脈、找到好導師。
● 人生是一場取捨,超時工作只會增加壓力,睡眠不足會造成很多問題,掌握四項重要指標,可以幫助你做出更好的選擇。想要工作與生活平衡?記得,夠好便已足夠。


Wall Street Journal Bestseller

Much of the advice we’ve been told about achievement is logical, earnest…and downright wrong. In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker reveals the extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it. You’ll learn:

● Why valedictorians rarely become millionaires, and how your biggest weakness might actually be your greatest strength
● Whether nice guys finish last and why the best lessons about cooperation come from gang members, pirates, and serial killers

● Why trying to increase confidence fails and how Buddhist philosophy holds a superior solution
● The secret ingredient to “grit” that Navy SEALs and disaster survivors leverage to keep going
● How to find work-life balance using the strategy of Genghis Khan, the errors of Albert Einstein, and a little lesson from Spider-Man

By looking at what separates the extremely successful from the rest of us, we learn what we can do to be more like them—and find out in some cases why it’s good that we aren’t. Barking Up the Wrong Tree draws on startling statistics and surprising anecdotes to help you understand what works and what doesn’t so you can stop guessing at success and start living the life you want.

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