Patti Smith: American Artist | 拾書所

Patti Smith: American Artist

$ 462 元 原價 700


藝術攝影師Frank Stefanko的鏡頭,捕捉住龐克教母派蒂.史密斯(Patti Smith)年輕時散發著獨特之美的模樣。本書收錄Smith長期合作的吉他手Lenny Kaye的序言,加上編輯Chris Murray的後記,以及Smith在書本開場的一首讓人情緒激盪的詩,這本攝影集為讀者呈現來自紐澤西小鎮的女孩,如何幻化成謎樣藝術家的旅程。

「我就坐在Glassboro州立學院的合作社攤位上,這是一所位於南澤西農地的鄉下學校…突然間,合作社的雙重門打開了,一個不可思議的幽靈,與世隔絕地站在那裡,那身穿白色皮衣,烏黑長髮披在背上的影像出現了,她以老派的西部電影裡壞蛋走進酒館的樣子閒晃了進來。這是我第一次把目光放在Patti Smith身上,然後我就這麼被她給吸引住了。」

就這樣,Frank Stefanko開始了與Patti Smith在藝術上的合作,並且以照片訴說他們之間的友誼。Stefanko的攝影以及他溫暖且個人的回憶,為我們展現了遠在成為文化象徵的Patti Smith之前,一個讓人驚奇的年輕女性。透過影像與文字,我們跟隨她追尋獨特聲音的腳步,看見了從未成名藝術家聚集的雀爾西飯店到聖馬可的詩歌計畫,一直到她最重要的專輯《群馬》的問世,還有更多關於她的故事。


A stunning collection of photographs from Frank Stefanko featuring the Godmother of Punk herself, iconic musician and author Patti Smith.

"There I was sitting in a booth at the co-op of Glassboro State College, a bucolic school in the farmlands of South Jersey. . . Suddenly, the double doors of the co-op swung open and standing there in the vacuum created was an incredible apparition, a vision in a white leather coat with long, jet-black hair flowing down her back. She moseyed in like the bad guy walking into a saloon in an old western movie. This was the first time I set eyes on Patti Smith, and I was captivated.”

So begins Frank Stefanko’s wonderfully personal photographic tale of his friendship and artistic collaboration with Patti Smith. Stefanko’s photographs and his warm, personal recollections show us an amazing young woman, long before she became Patti Smith, the cultural icon. Through images and words, we follow her search for a unique voice—from the early days of the Chelsea Hotel to spoken word at the St. Mark’s Poetry Project to the release of her seminal album, Horses, and so much more.

These photographs, along with the Stefanko’s first-hand account, capture an incredible era from the mid-1960s to the late- 1970s when a whole new genre of music and art was being born. Prior to the release of this collection, many of these stunning portraits had never before been published. They appear here in high-quality quadratone reproduction, highlighting Stefanko’s artistry and his uncanny ability to capture his subject’s inner spirit. Memorabilia from Smith’s personal collection adds to this rare and intimate look at the emergence of one of America’s most respected artists.

With an opening poem from Patti Smith that sets an evocative mood, an introduction by Lenny Kaye, Smith’s longtime guitarist, and a compelling afterword by editor Chris Murray, this book sets the reader on a journey from small-town New Jersey and highlights the enigmatic artist’s triumphant career.

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