Simplify: How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed | 拾書所

Simplify: How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed

$ 399 元 原價 605




理查‧考克決定和創投專家Greg Lockwood合作,委託OC&C管理顧問公司共同研究,終於找到對所有企業最有價值的原理:極簡法則。有些企業在售價上極簡,例如廉價航空減少其它非必要的服務,一樣能帶領旅客飛往目的地,為大眾市場創造更新穎及廣泛的商品。而例如蘋果電腦,簡化了產品的提案內容,因此發展出高雅卻又更符合人性化功能的產品及軟體服務,獨佔高端市場。


For the past forty years, Richard Koch has worked to uncover simple and elegant principles which govern business success. To qualify, a principle must be so overwhelmingly powerful that anyone can reliably apply it to generate extraordinary results.

Working with venture capitalist Greg Lockwood and supported by specially commissioned research from OC&C Strategy Consultants, Koch has now found one elemental principle that unites extraordinarily valuable companies: simplifying. Some firms simplify on price - consider budget flights stripped of all extras that still take you from A to B - creating new, huge mass markets for their wares. Others, such as Apple, simplify their proposition, bringing a beautifully easy-to-use product or service to a large premium market.

How can your business become a simplifier? With case studies of some of the most famous firms of the last hundred years, from finance to fast food, this enlightening book shows how to analyse any company's potential to simplify, and enrich the world.

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