The Watch Book II | 拾書所

The Watch Book II

$ 2,025 元 原價 2,250


巧奪天工 風華絕代的奢華藝術結晶

由於智慧型手錶的發明,全球的腕錶品牌正在面臨改革的過渡時期。然而擁有純手工工藝的機械錶仍持續受到忠實愛好者的支持,機械腕錶從不停歇的改革與創新,就如同人類文明的經典傳承。繼2015出版的《The Watch Book》大受好評後,全新再版的腕錶大全將再度以華麗的篇章震撼鐘錶愛好者的心。完整的腕錶品牌資訊及精美的圖片,精彩呈現22家知名腕錶品牌過去與現今最傑出的典範作品。從經典鐘錶品牌歷史、構造與功能、選購與保養,循著過去的發展,到如何保養,全方面介紹機械腕錶,幫助腕錶愛好者重新深入經典腕錶世界,感受腕錶世界的傳奇與經典,並在選購、收藏及保養腕錶時更加得心應手。

The world of watches is in transition; so-called “smart watches” are playing a larger role. However, classic timepieces with mechanical movement will not disappear from people’s wrists, because the ticking of a mechanical watch has been and will continue to be the heartbeat of human culture. After the success of The Watch Book in 2015, the new follow-up volume, just as beautifully done, is a must-have. Informative text and many pictures highlight 22 additional watch brands and show their unique features and quirks. However, this book includes a much broader spectrum of timepieces than the previous volume: along with many watches that fall into the “affordable luxury” segment, there are timepieces from the chronometric crème de la crème. Along with longstanding traditional brands, the book profiles newer ones whose unusual designs and exclusive technical developments have contributed to the history of the watch. This volume also includes a helpful glossary of important terms, making The Watch Book II an absolute must for both timepiece experts and collectors and those new to the world of watch artistry.

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