Tales from the Road Less Travelled | 拾書所

Tales from the Road Less Travelled

$ 2,430 元 原價 2,700


天才攝影師Pie Aerts帶領你踏上最真實旅程


荷蘭攝影師Pie Aerts在過去幾年走遍世界各個最偏遠的角落,從西巴布亞省的叢林到玻利維亞的高聳平原,走進喜馬拉雅山的小村莊到令人驚讚不已的歐卡萬哥三角洲,Pie冒險走入人跡罕見的地方,只為捕捉非凡棲息地中最真實的人物與日常。


In the past few years, Dutch photographer Pie Aerts has traveled to some of the most remote corners of our planet. From the deep jungles of Papua to the high plains of Bolivia, from Buddhist monasteries in Nepal to the beating heart of the Okavango Delta, Pie ventures well off the beaten track to capture real people and everyday experiences in extraordinary habitats around the globe. A breathtaking graphic volume that pleads for a more mindful, more humane coexistence. The avid Instagrammer now presents his best travel photographs in Tales from the Roads Less Traveled. Featuring vibrant images alongside first-hand travel anecdotes, the book invites Pie's many fans to join his photographic world tour, together with his girlfriend and favourite model, Jessica Wintz. Page after page brings viewers face-to-face with astonishing landscapes, captivating characters, and some of the most awesome and endangered animals. With Pie's unique view on people, wildlife, and nature, Tales from the Roads Less Traveled provides a unique view on our beautiful planet, as well as a new sense of belonging and community around the globe.

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