Yayoi Kusama: Festival of Life | 拾書所

Yayoi Kusama: Festival of Life

$ 1,936 元 原價 2,450


全球首部草間彌生紀錄片:《草間∞彌生》11月9日 正式上映

草間彌生系列展《Festival of Life》

草間彌生的作品融合感官的刺激和烏托邦世界的平靜,這種無限及奇幻的元素橫跨她所有創作,包括畫作、表演、空間設計、演講、雕塑裝置、文學作品,甚至進而發展到建築結構等。其偉大程度超越20世紀許多重要的藝術運動,例如普普藝術和極簡主義。最具權威的藝術評論家Roberta Smith曾在《紐約時報》評論為「這些畫作形成了一個無限的空間,每件作品的生命力都極具感染力。」

草間彌生系列展《Festival of Life》於紐約著名當代藝術藝廊David Zwirner展開,展覽內容包括66幅草間彌生最知名的 「我永遠的靈魂」系列畫作,展覽空間中將大量色彩飽和且強烈畫作緊密排列,充滿強烈的視覺衝擊。同時收錄《為摯愛的鬱金香永恆祈禱》雕塑作品,不同之前的彩色圓點,這次的鬱金香則是隱藏在滿是紅色圓點的空間裡,宛如讓鬱金香隱約消逝在無限的空間中。

Kusama’s work―which spans paintings, performances, room-size presentations, sculptural installations, literary works, films, fashion, design, and interventions within existing architectural structures―has transcended some of the most important art movements of the second half of the twentieth century, including pop art and minimalism. Conveying extraordinary vitality and passion, her work seems to encompass an autobiographic, even confessional dimension. As stated by Roberta Smith in The New York Times , “These paintings form a great big infinity room of their own, but one in which each part is also an autonomous work of art, its own piece of wobbly, handwrought infinity. You may not want to know these paintings Ms. Kusama has made, but in the moment their vitality is infectious. It is the vitality of an artist who lives to work, whose work keeps her alive.”

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