Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History | 拾書所

Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History

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NBC新聞記者Katy Tur最大膽的紀實報導,彙整採訪川普當選之路的心路歷程

曾被美國總統川普在公開場合批評為「三流記者、不厚道」的NBC新聞記者Katy Tur,集結她在川普競選期間所遭遇的光怪陸離採訪生態,剖析美國民主政權的扭曲與易變。Tur為了近身報導川普的競選過程,花費將近一年半的時間跟隨川普競選團隊遠赴美國40個州,報導超過3,800則電視直播報導。這500天的貼身採訪,Tur發現川普是一位說詞前後矛盾、謊言不斷的總統候選人,而川普對這位女性新聞記者則極盡羞辱及詆毀,甚至在佛羅里達及南卡羅來納等造勢晚會中煽動支持者譏笑她。縱使經歷這一切她仍不為所動,強勢以對。Tur以寫實的文筆敘述這段心路歷程,解析美國群眾是如何遭受蒙騙而將川普送上總統之職。
The NBC journalist who covered—and took fire from—Donald Trump on the campaign trail offers an inside look at the most shocking presidential election in American history.

Katy Tur was one of a select cadre of NBC reporters on the road during the grueling 2016 presidential campaign, reporting from small towns and venues across America for more than sixteen months. At the beginning of the primaries, Tur was assigned the Trump campaign—a campaign widely considered a long shot by politicos and the media. But primary after primary, the novice outsider trumped his rivals, and won the hearts and votes of many Republicans. His appeal to working class whites, the GOP’s traditional middle and upper middle class base, and conservative evangelicals took him all the way to the White House, astonishing the nation and the world.

Unbelievable is Tur’s inside account of being embedded with the campaign, revealing what it was like to report on the most combative and volatile major party candidate ever to run for office and win. At first, Trump tried to charm Tur into providing fawning coverage. When that didn’t work, he stooped to berating and shaming her, stoking the rage of his legion of supporters—many who threatened Tur and other penned-in reporters at his events. The vitriol reached such a fevered pitch, that following one rally during which Trump launched a personal attack against her, the Secret Service had to accompany Tur to her car. But Katy was not alone. Millions of Americans watched in disbelief as Trump ordered Tur to "be quiet" during one of his many press conferences, called her "disgraceful," "third-rate," "not nice," and "Little Katy." In response, thousands of people across the country rushed to her defense, tweeting #imwithtur.

Intriguing, disturbing, and powerful, Unbelievable is an unprecedented eyewitness account of the 2016 election from an intelligent, dedicated journalist at the center of it—a thoughtful historical record that offers eye-opening insights and details on our political process, the media, and the mercurial forty-fifth president of the United States.

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