樹木之間也是一個社會群體嗎?樹木如何生活?樹木能感受到疼痛,或是感受周遭的危險嗎?透過德國護林員Peter Wohlleben細心的觀察與紀錄,一同發掘樹木奇妙的生活網絡及社群生活。他以突破性的科學研究及實驗,敘述樹木也像人類一樣擁有家庭,樹父母也與他們的孩子同住,彼此交流及溝通,在孩子的成長過程中支持他們,鄰居生病時分享營養,甚至警告同伴危險即將到來。Wohlleben透過他對樹木及森林的愛與熱情,分享生命的奇蹟與驚人之處,希望透過本書讓人們重視樹木的保育。看完這本書,再次走入森林漫步的你絕對會有不一樣的經歷與體驗。
How do trees live? Do they feel pain, or have awareness of their surroundings? Research is now suggesting trees are capable of much more than we have ever known. In The Hidden Life of Trees, forester Peter Wohlleben puts groundbreaking scientific discoveries into a language everyone can relate to. In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben shares his deep love of woods and forests and explains the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed in the woodland and the amazing scientific processes behind the wonders of which we are blissfully unaware.Much like human families, tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, and support them as they grow, sharing nutrients with those who are sick or struggling and creating an ecosystem that mitigates the impact of extremes of heat and cold for the whole group. As a result of such interactions, trees in a family or community are protected and can live to be very old. In contrast, solitary trees, like street kids, have a tough time of it and in most cases die much earlier than those in a group.Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities; he describes how these discoveries have informed his own practices in the forest around him. As he says, a happy forest is a healthy forest, and he believes that eco-friendly practices not only are economically sustainable but also benefit the health of our planet and the mental and physical health of all who live on Earth.After a walk through the woods with Wohlleben, you'll never look at trees the same way again.