Chuck Klosterman X | 拾書所

Chuck Klosterman X

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《紐約時報》暢銷作家、文化評論家查克.克羅斯特曼(Chuck Klosterman)文章精選集!

克羅斯特曼的作品內容廣泛,他寫文化、運動,也探討人際關係與道德界線等議題。他曾出版九本書籍、共同創立運動與流行文化部落格「Grantland」、曾擔任《紐約時報雜誌》專欄作家、擔任電影與電視製作人,也曾為多家媒體如《GQ》雜誌、《Esquire》雜誌、《告示牌》雜誌(Billboard)與《衛報》(The Guardian)撰稿,舉凡在書籍、雜誌、報紙或網路專欄,都可以見到他文章的蹤影。


New York Times-bestselling author and cultural critic Chuck Klosterman compiles and contextualizes the best of his articles and essays from the past decade.

Chuck Klosterman has created an incomparable body of work in books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web. His writing spans the realms of culture and sports, while also addressing interpersonal issues, social quandaries, and ethical boundaries. Klosterman has written nine previous books, helped found and establish Grantland, served as the New York Times Magazine Ethicist, worked on film and television productions, and contributed profiles and essays to outlets such as GQ, Esquire, Billboard, The A.V. Club, and The Guardian.

Chuck Klosterman's tenth book (aka Chuck Klosterman X) collects his most intriguing of those pieces, accompanied by fresh introductions and new footnotes throughout. Klosterman presents many of the articles in their original form, featuring previously unpublished passages and digressions. Subjects include Breaking Bad, Lou Reed, zombies, KISS, Jimmy Page, Stephen Malkmus, steroids, Mountain Dew, Chinese Democracy, The Beatles, Jonathan Franzen, Taylor Swift, Tim Tebow, Kobe Bryant, Usain Bolt, Eddie Van Halen, Charlie Brown, the Cleveland Browns, and many more cultural figures and pop phenomena. This is a tour of the past decade from one of the sharpest and most prolific observers of our unusual times.

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