Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley | 拾書所

Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley

$ 495 元 原價 550


調查記者Corey Pein深入矽谷,揭露新創事業潮的重重黑幕。


為了成為百萬富翁,Corey Pein一頭栽進創新事業的浪潮裡,加入了前往矽谷的青年行列中。這個以白人男性為多數的科技怪胎群,夢想著將來成為下一個賈伯斯或祖克柏。



‘Under the latest iteration of the American Dream, if you aren’t a billionaire yet, you haven’t tried hard enough.’

At the height of the startup boom, journalist Corey Pein sets out for Silicon Valley to make his millions. Plunging headfirst into entrepreneur culture, he joins the thousands of other ― mostly white, male ― nerds all hoping to become the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg.

But as he moves from overpriced flat to overpriced tent, lines up at tech conferences where white supremacists spout hatred disguised as innovation, and watches desperate would-be entrepreneurs pay to pitch their ideas to billionaire investors, Pein discovers that the positive, feel-good self-image that the tech tycoons have crafted is a lie.

Live Work Work Work Die is a scathing exploration of Silicon Valley tech culture, depicted from the inside. It vividly deconstructs the ultra-libertarian agendas of high-tech leaders and their urgers and acolytes, revealing their insidious visions for our future.

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