The Dinosaur Artist: Obsession, Betrayal, and the Quest for Earth's Ultimate Trophy | 拾書所

The Dinosaur Artist: Obsession, Betrayal, and the Quest for Earth's Ultimate Trophy

$ 599 元 原價 599


《紐約客》專欄作家Paige Williams透過一段奇聞,探尋恐龍化石獵人對化石的執迷,一步一步進入走私犯、收藏家和隱密黑市交易市場所構成的陰暗世界


將化石帶回來的人就是現年38歲的Eric Prokopi,曾是游泳健將的他以潛水尋找鯊魚牙齒為生,也因此激起他對古化石的興趣。他將找到的化石出售給各大博物館,或是狂熱且財力驚人的私人收藏家,例如好萊塢巨星李奧納多‧狄卡皮歐及尼可拉斯‧凱吉。



New Yorker magazine staff writer Paige Williams delves into the surprisingly perilous world of fossil collectors in this riveting true tale.

In 2012, a New York auction catalogue boasted an unusual offering: ‘a superb Tyrannosaurus skeleton’. In fact, Lot 49135 consisted of a nearly complete T. bataar ― a close cousin to the more-famous T. rex ― that had been unearthed in Mongolia. At 2.4 metres high and 7.3 metres long, the specimen was spectacular, and the winning bid was over $1 million.

Eric Prokopi, a 38-year-old Floridian, had brought this extraordinary skeleton to market. A one-time swimmer who’d spent his teenage years diving for shark teeth, Prokopi's singular obsession with fossils fuelled a thriving business, hunting for, preparing, and selling specimens to clients ranging from natural-history museums to avid private collectors like Leonardo DiCaprio.

But had Prokopi gone too far this time? As the T. bataar went to auction, a network of paleontologists alerted the government of Mongolia to the eye-catching lot. An international custody battle ensued, with Prokopi watching as his own world unravelled.

The Dinosaur Artist is a stunning work of narrative journalism about humans' relationship with natural history, and about a seemingly intractable conflict between science and commerce. A story that stretches from Florida's Land O' Lakes to the Gobi Desert, The Dinosaur Artist illuminates the history of fossil collecting ― a murky, sometimes risky business, populated by eccentrics and obsessives, where the lines between poacher and hunter, collector and smuggler, and enthusiast and opportunist can easily blur.

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