Browse: Love Letters to Bookshops Around the World | 拾書所

Browse: Love Letters to Bookshops Around the World

$ 446 元 原價 495




英國作家Ali Smith回想起在一家二手書店的故事;埃及作家Alaa Al Aswany說起一家位於開羅的書店,在2011年前,許多革命家都喜歡聚集在那裡討論自己的理想;土耳其作家Elif Shafak去過的伊斯坦堡書店,它們的混亂和多元,還有菸草和咖啡的香味;肯亞作家Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor小時候在Nairobi的童書店拿起第一本書的記憶猶在;英國作家Iain Sinclair則是想起喜愛的書店關閉的遺憾。

A cabinet of curiosities, a time machine, a treasure trove - we love bookshops because they possess a unique kind of magic. In Browse, Henry Hitchings asks fifteen writers from around the world to reveal their favourite bookshops, each conjuring a specific time and plaace.

Ali Smith chronicles the secrets and personal stories hidden within the pages of secondhand books; Alaa Al Aswany tells of the Cairo bookshop where revolutionaries gathered during the 2011 uprisings; Elif Shafak evokes the bookstores of Istanbul, their chaos and diversity, their aroma of tobacco and coffee. Ybonne Adhiambo Owuor recalls the quandry of choosing just one book at a favourite childhood store in Nairobi, while Iain Sinclair shares his grief on witnessing a beloved old haunt close down. Others explore bookshops they have stumbled upon, adored and become addicted to from Delhi to Bogotá.

These inquisitive, enchanting pieces are a collective celebration of bookshops - for anyone who has ever fallen under their spell.

Contributors include:
Alaa Al Aswany (Egypt)
Stefano Benni (Italy)
Michael Dirda (USA)
Daniel Kehlmann (Germany)
Andrey Kurkov (Ukraine)
Yiyun Li (China)
Pankaj Mishra (India)
Dorthe Nors (Denmark)
Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Kenya)
Elif Shafak (Turkey)
Ian Sansom (UK)
Iain Sinclair (UK)
Ali Smith (UK)
Sasa Stanisic (Germany/Bosnia)
Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Colombia)

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