Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction | 拾書所

Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction

$ 395 元 原價 599
德意志銀行歷史逾一百五十年,原是世界數一數二金融巨人。二〇一四年,德銀高階主管布魯克斯密特突在倫敦家中自殺,消息震驚全球金融業,其後德銀拖延調查更啟人疑竇。紐時獲獎財經記者安瑞奇,揭露德銀如何為追求財富無視道德法律,結交川普、庫許納、俄國寡頭等權貴,操縱市場捲入洗錢交易,落得醜聞纏身陷入經營危機,幾近步上雷曼銀行後塵。 A searing exposé of the most scandalous bank in the world, including its shadowy ties to Donald Trump’s business empire On a rainy Sunday in 2014, a senior executive at Deutsche Bank was found hanging in his London apartment. Bill Br

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