Folded Wisdom: Notes from Dad on Life, Love, and Growing Up | 拾書所

Folded Wisdom: Notes from Dad on Life, Love, and Growing Up

$ 559 元 原價 559



作者Joanna Guest的父親Bob每天都有固定的生活模式:在黎明破曉時起床,遛狗,接著坐在餐桌上將一大疊白紙用馬克筆彩繪上他對兩個孩子的智慧箴言。多年來,這些對5歲兒童看似謎語和遊戲的智慧箴言,卻演變為他們從青少年轉變至成人時最重要的人生嚮導。


Folded Wisdom is an inspirational testament to the depth of a father’s love for his children, and an intimate look into beautiful, raw, human communication. Within the pages of this book, Joanna Guest shares the insightful notes her father drew for her and her brother Theo every day for nearly 15 years.

For her entire childhood, Joanna’s father, Bob, had a ritual: wake up at dawn, walk the dog, and sit down at the kitchen table with a blank pad of paper and plenty of colored markers to craft notes for his two children. Over the years, word games and puzzles for five-year-olds morphed into thoughtful guidance and reflections for his teenagers approaching adulthood.

Now, with more than 3,500 of her father’s colorful notes in hand, Joanna has decided that the lessons tucked inside are worth sharing. Folded Wisdom highlights the collection of Bob’s notes, telling a story filled with universal values that encourages meaningful self-reflection – about how we all face successes and failures; express happiness and sadness; and communicate frustration, praise, and love to one another. Heartfelt and full of possibility for the future, a father’s folded notes and drawings are timeless reminders of love.

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