Behind Every Great Woman is a Great Cat | 拾書所

Behind Every Great Woman is a Great Cat

$ 499 元 原價 499





 本書介紹了三十位女名人和貓的故事、貓咪的十大必知事項、關於貓咪的名言等等有趣的小知識,搭上台灣旅英插畫家Lulu Mayo的精彩畫作,貓咪們的魅力、收服人心的超強能力在這裡一覽無遺,精彩展現貓咪要征服全世界的野心!

Showcasing over 30 inspirational women, including Florence Nightingale (the founder of modern nursing), Georgia O'Keeffe (the artist and mother of American modernism) and Rosa Luxemburg (the theorist and revolutionist), who all have one thing in common - their affection towards cats.

The empowering stories of cat-loving women - ranging from artists, pioneers, writers and humanitarians - who dared to change and inspire the world are paired with Lulu Mayo's quirky illustrations.

Also featuring 10 things we can learn from cats, a feline flow chart, quotes from famous women who loved their moggies, and much more.

The book celebrates the cat as muse, companion, colleague and emotional support as it explodes the myth of a 'cat lady'.

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