A Big Bed for Little Snow | 拾書所

A Big Bed for Little Snow

$ 450 元 原價 665


凱迪克得獎畫家 Grace Lin 《 A Big Mooncake for Little Star! 》系列作
亞裔版Snowy Day

Little Snow穿好軟綿綿的睡衣,抱著小臘腸狗布娃娃,躺在媽咪為他做的軟床上。媽咪說:「床是用來睡的,別跳啊」,Little Snow點點頭。晚安吻後,媽媽的聲音愈來愈遠了,假寐的Little Snow睜開眼,淘氣地露出一抹微笑,嘿嘿,現在是我的彈跳時間了!雖然媽媽吩咐過,但Little Snow就是忍不住地開始起身跳啊跳!每次他一跳,床的羽毛就飛出一些…輕飄飄的白色羽毛就是雪啊!
深受以斯拉·傑克·基茨 (Ezra Jack Keats) The Snowy Day啟發---黑人小男孩,黑黑的膚色,對應白白的雪,乾淨的畫面,漂亮的對比,自得其樂的可愛舉動,Grace Lin希望有一天也能創作出亞裔小孩快樂玩雪的故事,她做到了!為此,她在本書放了很多向Ezra Jack Keats致敬的畫面,像是Little Snow的臘腸狗娃娃來自Whistle for Willie,一排平房的畫面來Dream,窗邊有Snowy day玩雪的小男孩,還有還有彩蛋--Little Star客串其中喔!

When Little Snow's mother makes him a fluffy new bed for the long cold winter, she tells him this bed is for sleeping, not jumping. But, as Snow is tucked into his bouncy new bed he can't resist opening his eyes as Mommy's footsteps fade away. Snow thump, thump, thumps on his new bed and watches in delight as tiny feathers flutter down like the first snow. From the award-winning author Grace Lin, this cozy follow up to the highly acclaimed, A BIG MOONCAKE FOR LITTLE STAR, is sure to dazzle readers and become a bed time favourite.

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