My Little Cities: Paris | 拾書所

My Little Cities: Paris

$ 231 元 原價 350


城市啟蒙書 小小孩的小小城市—巴黎

將《小婦人》、《傲慢與偏見》、《綠野仙蹤》…等經典,設計成寶寶版厚紙板書—Baby Lit系列的作者Jennifer Adams,這次也將城市帶入寶寶的世界,讓城市的繽紛在寶寶心裡滋長。在艷陽高照的巴黎,你可以看看萬紫千紅的花,感受花都魅力;在冷颼颼的巴黎,你可以來逛逛書店,這裡有莎士比亞書店,大人小孩各自滿足;在新鮮感十足的巴黎,你可以來逛逛龐畢度,這裡可以喚醒對美的感知。從冷到熱,從白天到夜晚,從聖母院到巴黎鐵塔,帶寶寶一覽各式風情的巴黎。設計給寶寶的城市啟蒙書,字體非常大。

In this delightful series written by BabyLit author Jennifer Adams and illustrated by kidlit darling Greg Pizzoli, each book showcases a different city with sweet baby-appropriate text, ridiculously charming illustrations, and a light introduction to rhyme and opposites. High-chair travelers can take a whirlwind tour of the city of light and love! Listen to the choir at Notre Dame Cathedral, explore the catacombs, ride up to the tip-top of the Eiffel Tower and, of course, say good night to the sparkling city of Paris.

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