My Favorite Spooky Stories Box Set: 5 Silly, Not-Too-Scary Tales! (5冊合售) | 拾書所

My Favorite Spooky Stories Box Set: 5 Silly, Not-Too-Scary Tales! (5冊合售)

$ 450 元 原價 700


我最愛的恐怖!? 故事集  
5本其實一點都不恐怖,還很發傻的 I Can Read Level 2故事讀本,陪你過萬聖節! 

● Flat Stanley and the Haunted House
紙片男孩Stanley好期待學校辦的萬聖節派對,但派對上竟然有惡霸欺負Stanley的好友, Stanley想出一個好計劃,要給惡霸好看!

●Monster School: First Day Frights

● In A Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories
在一間很暗很暗的屋子裡,有一間很暗很暗的房間,裡又有一個很黑很黑的櫃子,  然後裡面又有…很多恐怖故事!

●Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia
Amelia Bedelia要到客戶家幫忙準備萬聖節派對,但是她一到,傻眼了,房子竟然被破壞得亂七八糟!

● Lulu Goes to Witch School

The five gently spine-tingling, funny stories in this Level Two I Can Read box set are sure to delight early readers. Titles include:

Flat Stanley and the Haunted House
Monster School: First Day Frights
In A Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories
Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia
Lulu Goes to Witch School

This is a Level Two I Can Read box set, geared for kids who read on their own but still need a little help.

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