Camp Half-blood Confidential: Your Real Guide to the Demigod Training Camp | 拾書所

Camp Half-blood Confidential: Your Real Guide to the Demigod Training Camp

$ 275 元 原價 350


半神半人的訓練營  混血營機密檔案 

半神半人的混血營是什麼?設立原因&營地在哪裡?內部有哪些訓練室?訓練項目為何?Percy Jackson和混血營同伴回應阿波羅的問題,於是有了這本機密檔案。介紹營地起源(大約3或4千年)、 內部建築(指導員的辦公室、神力艙、地標、競技場、攀爬牆)、格鬥訓練…誰住在裡面?基地郊外介紹(飛馬的馬廄 草莓園…),揭開混血營的神秘面紗和小祕密。另外,指導學員已有好幾千年的人頭馬,也根據經驗現身說法。


In response to an awful camp orientation video created by the god Apollo, Percy Jackson and other residents of Camp Half-Blood answer such questions as "What is this place?" and "Do I get to keep the T-shirt?" Newbies can check out the section on the Divine Cabins, read up on Magical Landmarks, and consult the chapter of Training Arenas. But Camp Half-Blood Confidential explores much more than just the buildings and grounds. It includes info that can only be learned from those who live there. For instance, campers do not always co-exist in peace and harmony. The camp is not run with superior efficiency. Prophecies do not flow forth with great regularity. Sprinkled throughout are stories from heroes who have called Camp Half-Blood home or just passed through on their way to places unknown. Chiron himself introduces the book with a brief history of training based on his millennia of experience. And, of course, there are divine words of wisdom from the god Apollo himself, because . . . well, because the demigod authors would prefer not to be struck down, thank you very much.

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