Willa of the Wood | 拾書所

Willa of the Wood

$ 536 元 原價 595


人類世界 VS 原始部落  當你深信不疑的信念,瞬間崩解…

某次,在好奇心的驅使下,Willa在人類世界稍做停留,發現人類並非族人說的那般邪惡,Willa從小被灌輸的觀念逐漸改變,對族裡社會制度信任也一一崩解, 最震撼的是:深信不疑的族長,其實才是最邪惡、自私的,一連串的衝擊,她該發聲嗎?該起身對抗嗎?

Move without a sound. Steal without a trace.
Willa, a young night-spirit of the Great Smoky Mountains, is her clan's best thief. She creeps into the homes of day-folk under cover of darkness and takes what they won't miss. It's dangerous work-the day-folk kill whatever they do not understand--but Willa will do anything to win the approval of the padaran, the charismatic leader of the Faeran people.
When Willa's curiosity leaves her hurt and stranded in the day world, she calls upon an ancient, unbreakable bond to escape. Only then does she discover the truth: not all day-folk are the same, and the foundations that have guarded the Faeran for eons are under attack.
As forces of unfathomable destruction encroach on her home, Willa must decide who she truly is. To save the day-folk family that has become her own--and lift the curse that has robbed her people of their truth--Willa will meet deadly force with trusted alliance, violence with shelter, and an ever-changing world with a steady heartbeat of courage.

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