Legacy and the Queen | 拾書所

Legacy and the Queen

$ 449 元 原價 595


女孩Legacy的爸爸經營孤兒院,Legacy和爸爸以及院內的孩子同住在一起。孤兒院財力吃緊,Legacy經常幫忙照顧院童。Legacy喜歡很喜網球,某天從朋友處得知,熱愛網球的Nova王國要舉辦比賽,獎金豐厚,足以幫孤兒院紓困,讓孤兒院繼續經營下去。Legacy很心動,但知道爸爸一定不會讓她前往參加…不過,心意堅定她無論如何都想試一試。當她終於來到Nova王國,發現自己和其他有錢的選手格格不入,城堡內的每個人都視她外來人。Legacy 要如何以熱情改變自己和孤兒院的命運呢?

From the mind of basketball legend and Academy Award–winning storyteller Kobe Bryant comes a new tale of finding your inner magic against all odds. GAME. SET. MAGIC. Game – Tennis means life and death for the residents of the magical kingdom of Nova, and for twelve-year-old Legacy, it’s the only thing getting her through the long days taking care of the other kids at the orphanage. That’s all about to change when she hears about Silla’s tournament. Set – Silla, the ruler of Nova, hosts an annual tournament for the less fortunate of her citizens to come and prove themselves and win entrance to the Academy, where they can train to compete at nationals. The prize is Silla’s favor and enough cash to keep open the orphanage, and Legacy has her heart set on both. Magic – What Legacy has yet to know is that the other players have something besides better skills and more money than she does. In Nova, tennis can unlock magic. Magic that Silla used to save the kingdom long ago and magic that her competitors have been training in for months already. Now, with the world turned against her and the orphanage at stake, Legacy has to learn to use her passion for the game to rise above those around her and shine.

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