The Quest for Z: The True Story of Explorer Percy Fawcett and a Lost City in the Amazon | 拾書所

The Quest for Z: The True Story of Explorer Percy Fawcett and a Lost City in the Amazon

$ 416 元 原價 630


尋找亞馬遜失落之城Z   探險家 波西•福西特 真實故事

近100年前,據說在亞馬遜有個失落之城,但沒人確切知道它的位置,甚至無法證實該城的存在。英國探險家波西•福西特 Percy Fawcett知道了,心中燃起了旺盛的探險魂,他為這座遺落在地球深處的城市取名「Z」,因為Z是字母最後、最遠的一個字母。波西•福西特視找出Z城為畢生的職志。波西•福西特的爸爸是皇家地理學會成員,哥哥愛好登山,家族似乎都留著探險的血液,波西•福西特也不例外,從小也夢想著環遊世界,發現新大陸。19歲那年,他加入皇家炮兵, 常利用閒暇時間到附近的叢林探險。之後加入皇家地理協會,學習如何在野外生存、辨別有毒植物。學會任命波西•福西特領導探險隊到南美的巴西、祕魯、玻利維亞,調查記錄三個國家邊界,他得深入叢林,並在地圖上標註他所發現的任何事物。他是否成功找出失落之城Z呢?

From an award-winning author comes a picture book biography that feels like Indiana Jones for kids!

British explorer Percy Fawcett believed that hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest was an ancient city, lost for the ages. Most people didn’t even believe this city existed. But if Fawcett could find it, he would be rich and famous forever. This is the true story of one man’s thrilling, dangerous journey into the jungle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z.

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