In the City: A Shine-a-Light Book | 拾書所

In the City: A Shine-a-Light Book

$ 299 元 原價 605


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快速道路上塞滿趕赴上班的車子,但這時,早已有人工作好一陣子了,你知道是誰嗎?(透光一照, 藏在大路標後方的是興建中的工地)

Meet a family living in the city and enjoy a day in their company as they travel to work and to school, shop, relax in the park, enjoy a play, and eat dinner in a restaurant. As we follow them around the city, we learn what’s under the ground, what’s in the museum, how people get to work, what’s behind the theater curtain, and much more. For children aged 3 and up, this beautifully illustrated nonfiction title is the perfect introduction to  life in a big city. The unique design of the book allows children to discover a “hidden“ image by holding the page up to a bright light.

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