The Human Body: A Shine-a-Light Book | 拾書所

The Human Body: A Shine-a-Light Book

$ 299 元 原價 605





這一系列透光書在每個跨頁都隱藏著看不見的訊息,只要拿起手電筒或其他光源從書頁背後照過來,就可以因著透光效光看見隱藏的圖文。互動效果佳。同時插圖精美,內文簡單易讀,是引領有閱讀能力的孩子進入非虛構(non- fiction)閱讀的好素材,也適合親子共讀。

Discover the secrets of the human body with this beautiful new Shine-a- Light title.

Children can see muscles flex as a football is kicked, watch food travel through the digestive system as an apple is eaten, and take a peek at the skeleton holding a small boy upright while his height is measured. Sleep, dreaming, growing, and illness are also included, along with many other secrets of the human body. The unique design of the book allows children to discover a 'hidden' image by holding the page up to a bright light, or shining a torch behind the page.

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