Wonders of the USA: A Shine-a-Light Book | 拾書所

Wonders of the USA: A Shine-a-Light Book

$ 299 元 原價 605


A Shine-a-Light Book手電筒透光書英國出版社Ivy Press推出的A Shine A Light系列,主題包羅萬象,從人體、農場、外太空、到各種交通等的主題

這一系列透光書在每個跨頁都隱藏著看不見的訊息,只要拿起手電筒或其他光源從書頁背後照過來,就可以因著透光效光看見隱藏的圖文。互動效果佳。同時插圖精美,內文簡單易讀,是引領有閱讀能力的孩子進入非虛構(non- fiction)閱讀的好素材,也適合親子共讀。

A Shine-a-Light Book
Take a trip across the USA and explore its natural and manmade landmarks with this new title in the wonderful Shine-a-Light series.
Informative and visually exciting, this whistle-stop tour takes children from Hawaii to the Everglades and from the White House to the Statue of Liberty.
The unique design of the book allows children to discover a “hidden“ image by holding the page up to a bright light. For children aged 3 and up, this is the perfect introduction to the wonders of the USA.

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