What Are You Wearing Today? | 拾書所

What Are You Wearing Today?

$ 446 元 原價 495


今天穿什麼好呢?動物穿搭術 翻翻書

你今天想穿什麼衣服呢?嗯,要看心情ㄟ!有時候想穿格子的,有時候想穿條紋的,有時候水玉(點點)也不錯;有時候想穿粉紅色的,有時候想穿像Elsa一樣的,有時候想穿車車的…,小朋友每天想穿的都不同,動物們也一樣喔,打開這本翻翻書的小翻頁看一看動物們怎麼穿搭吧!會很帥?很漂亮?很前衛?還是很滑稽呢? 由《What's Up? 》 和《Can You Keep a Straight Face? 》(五官表情變變變)的法國畫家Bernard Duisit插畫,線條簡單,熱情、清爽!

What are you wearing today? Well, it depends!In this new addition to the Flip Flap Pop-up book series, young children are invited to help each character in the book decide what to wear. The result is a highly entertaining book that is packed with flaps to lift, tabs to pull, and plenty of surprises.

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