The Cranky Caterpillar | 拾書所

The Cranky Caterpillar

$ 545 元 原價 605



無人彈奏的鋼琴傳來憂鬱、陰沉的旋律,小女孩Ezra 走近鋼琴,左瞧右瞧,前前後後端看,墊著腳,探探究竟 ,掀開琴蓋…原來有隻大毛蟲住在鋼琴裡!!牠用腳彈出憂鬱的心情。Ezra 試著安慰大毛蟲,為牠準備美味蛋糕、帥氣新帽子,還帶毛蟲呼吸新鮮空氣…,終於讓毛蟲轉換心情,蛻變成蝴蝶,彈出快樂旋律。作者Richard Grahamggp受到俄羅斯畫家瓦西里•康丁斯基影響(具有知覺混合能力,可以聽見色彩)—不同的色彩像音符一樣,帶來不同的感受力。整本書的從最初陰暗的冷色,逐漸添入明亮的暖色,樂器也從鋼琴加入法國號、小提琴,共譜快樂和絃,小讀者從顏色能感受毛毛蟲的掙扎,也感受毛毛蟲心情的轉換。

A charming story about a cranky caterpillar and Ezra, the little girl who finally manages to cheer him up
One day Ezra hears a gloomy blue tune coming from the piano. To her surprise, it's a caterpillar making the sound: a cranky caterpillar. Ezra tries to cheer him up with some fresh air, cakes, and new hats, but nothing seems to work… What can Ezra do to help the cranky caterpillar change his tune?

Richard Graham is a new illustrator with a highly distinctive and original style. The origins of The Cranky Caterpillar lie in his own artistic sculptural creations: a caterpillar created from the hammers inside an old piano, a band of musical characters, all sculpted from instruments and materials found in his studio. Graham has also been inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's color synesthesia, whereby we are shown the magical colors of music, in this splendidly illustrated book. Children will identify with the struggle the caterpillar goes through, in trying to articulate his emotions, and will delight in the inventive band of friends that succeed in cheering him up.

Illustrated in color throughout

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