這本大開本的海洋知識書,是法國知名紙雕家Hélène Druvert的新作,關於海洋的相關知識,由淺至深,藉由配色活潑的插圖,引領讀者進入一場精彩的探索海洋之旅。
Hélène Druvert繼與醫生父親,合著人體紙雕書《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》後,這本海洋知識書,加乘藝術家的美感,華麗呈現讀者面前。
Hélène Druvert繼與醫生父親,合著人體紙雕書《Anatomy:A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body》後,這本海洋知識書,加乘藝術家的美感,華麗呈現讀者面前。
This gorgeous, large-format book is filled with clever cutouts exploring the ocean, from the shoreline to the murkiest depths. This fact-filled journey is illustrated by Hélène Druvert, the acclaimed creator of Paris Up, Up and Away, Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away, Anatomy and New York Melody.