Button and Popper | 拾書所

Button and Popper

$ 399 元 原價 605


蘋果樹住著一個精靈家族,有爸爸、媽媽和12個孩子,蘋果樹不僅能遮風避雨,冬暖夏涼,還能提供源源不絕的食物。只是秋天到了,樹葉開始掉落,蘋果樹變得濕冷,不適合居住。雙胞胎兄弟Button和Popper決定幫忙找新家,他們跑到城市,詢問公寓主人「是否有12個孩子能塞得下的房間」,房東總是一臉問號。幸運的是,在市場附近的 Pilli教授聽到小精靈家族正在尋找房子的消息,剛好,他也想找個人,幫忙在他遠赴南極時看家。兩方一拍即合,精靈家族聽到好消息,又恢復以往的活力和笑容了! 
Button 和Popper故事1964年在芬蘭出版。本書以3個Pantone色印刷。 

Button and Popper tells the story of a family of pixies--mother, father, and twelve children--who live in an apple tree. They enjoy its warmth and shelter, eating apple pie all spring and summer long. But when fall comes, the leaves begin to drop and the apple tree becomes a cold and wet place to live. Twin brothers Button and Popper decide to find their family a new home, but when they trek into the city and start inquiring about an apartment with room for twelve children and their parents, people laugh in their faces or politely excuse themselves. Luck strikes when, through a most fortunate mix-up at the market, the pixies find themselves in the home of Professor Pilli. When he hears their story, he invites them to look after his house while he's away at the South Pole. When the rest of their pixie family finds out the good news, everyone is relieved and happy again. First published in 1964, Button and Popper was written and illustrated by Oili Tanninen, one of Finland's most celebrated illustrators and authors. Bold, on-trend, midcentury illustrations support this new translation of a classic Finnish story that's quirky and charming in equal measure.

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