Nelson Mandela: Little Guides to Great Lives | 拾書所

Nelson Mandela: Little Guides to Great Lives

$ 329 元 原價 495


關於偉大勇者的小小指南  納爾遜‧曼德拉
南非的反種族隔離革命家 政治家 慈善家

曼德拉曾想當翻譯員或書記員,這是當時黑人能得到的做好的工作,他在大學時結交了一生的好友奧利弗‧坦博(Oliver Tambo),但兩人都因支持學生的抗議行動被逐出校園。曼德拉說:「他知道必須妥協,但心裡深處就是不讓他這麼做,因為這是對的事情!」。

2018年正是曼德拉生辰百歲,Little Guides to Great Lives系列也以此書向曼德拉致敬。

Anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela's journey from political prisoner to president of South Africa is an incredible tale of triumph in the face of adversity. 2018 marks a hundred years since his birth.

From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionaries, Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. Launching with Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela, and Amelia Earhart, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history, with full-color illustrations and fresh design to bring their incredible stories to life.

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