La La La: A Story of Hope | 拾書所

La La La: A Story of Hope

$ 495 元 原價 550


《愛德華的神奇旅行》暢銷書作家-凱特‧狄卡密歐與插畫家Jaime Kim 首次合作的繪本創作!

一個唱著歌的女孩,唱著La La La的旋律,但似乎周遭只有她一人?沒有任何回應。女孩鼓起勇氣,持續唱著歌,翻越了千山萬嶺,還是遲遲沒有人附和,也似乎沒有人聽到女孩唱歌•••最後,女孩的歌聲會被聽見嗎?

這是一本類無字繪本,除了女孩所歌唱的La La La外,藉由柔和溫暖的插圖,讓讀者一起跟著女孩的腳步,思考個體與大環境間的微妙關係,如何回應彼此的呼應,是一本一切盡在不言中的暖心作品。

In this nearly wordless story, Flora and Ulysses' Kate DiCamillo and illustrator Jaime Kim convey a lonely child's longing for a friend. "La la la..." A little girl stands alone and sings, but hears no response. Gathering her courage and her curiosity, she skips further out into the world, singing away to the trees and the pond and the reeds - but no song comes back to her. Day passes into night, and the girl dares to venture into the darkness toward the light of the moon, climbing as high as she can... Now, will she be heard? With a subtle palette and captivating expressiveness, Jaime Kim brings to life an endearing character and a transcendent landscape that invite readers along on an emotionally satisfying journey.

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