A First Book of Animals | 拾書所

A First Book of Animals

$ 652 元 原價 825


首先是 「體型大小」,先從最大的哺乳動物──藍鯨介紹起,接著介紹世界各地不同體型的動物:包括最小的蜂鳥、最小的哺乳動物──凹臉蝠(Bumblebee Bat);

由《小老鼠找新家》 彼得‧霍拉賽克插畫,以詩般的文字和動人的插畫,像詩集又像繪本的形式,介紹可愛的動物!

A dazzling collection of poems by Nicola Davies, featuring over fifty different kinds of animals – beautifully illustrated by Petr Horacek.

Nicola Davies, the award-winning author of A First Book of Nature, presents a spellbinding treasury of poems about the animal world, illustrated in breathtaking detail by Petr Horacek. Polar bears playing on the ice, tigers hunting in the jungle, fireflies twinkling in the evening sky and nightingales singing in the heart of the woods – there are animals everywhere. From blue whales to bumblebee bats and everything in between, A First Book of Animals takes you all over the planet to visit all kinds of different creatures. This book is a glorious celebration of life in the wild in all its variety and splendour, and belongs on every child's bookshelf.

Shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal.

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