King of the Sky | 拾書所

King of the Sky

$ 396 元 原價 440


遨遊天空的使者 牽起的忘年之交

小男孩的隔壁鄰居Mr Evans是一位獨居老人,養了很多鴿子,Mr Evans最大的樂趣是看著鴿子在天空飛翔,因為這樣會讓他想起家…。

每天,小男孩都去看鴿子,Mr Evans給了小男孩一隻專屬的鴿子,取名Re Del Cielo (King of the Sky) 。Mr Evans帶他到車站,教他如何讓鴿子聽話 進籠子,他還說鴿子很聰明,不管飛多遠,最後一定找到家。
Mr Evans愈來愈老,無法行動,小男孩代替Mr Evans,餵鴿子戴上腳環,帶到車站放風。
每次,Re Del Cielo都是最後一個飛回來,不過,Mr Evans說Re Del Cielo是一隻好鴿子,適合長程飛行。

男孩把鴿子送進開往羅馬的火車,「Re Del Cielo會不會飛回來呢?」男孩擔心著…

A powerful and beautifully illustrated story about migration and the meaning of home, from the award-winning team behind The Promise. A breathtaking new picture book by children's author Nicola Davies, illustrated by Laura Carlin, winner of the Bratislava Illustration Biennale and the Bologna Ragazzi Prize for Illustration. Starting a new life in a new country, a young boy feels lost and alone - until he meets an old man who keeps racing pigeons. Together they pin their hopes on a race across Europe and the special bird they believe can win it: King of the Sky. Nicola Davies' beautiful story - an immigrant's tale with a powerful resonance in our troubled times - is illustrated by an artist who makes the world anew with every picture. A musical adaptation of King of the Sky has already met with success on the stage, shown two years running at the Hay Festival and due to tour Welsh theatres next spring. Shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal.

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