Helen Oxenbury: A Life in Illustration | 拾書所

Helen Oxenbury: A Life in Illustration

$ 1,304 元 原價 1,650



海倫‧奧森柏莉Helen Oxenbury,《我們要去捉狗熊》(We’re Going on a Bear Hunt)的畫家,繪本大師約翰伯寧罕的妻子,更是三個孩子的媽媽。擅長觀察孩子的一舉一動,把各種或呆萌或天真無邪的動作、神情細膩描繪在畫作中。海倫‧奧森柏莉不對挑戰自我,也為經典《愛麗絲夢遊奇境》插畫,獲得凱特格林威大獎。
本書為慶祝海倫‧奧森柏莉80歲生日,Walker車版社特聘《凱迪克:永不停筆的插畫家》作家雷納‧馬可斯Leonard S. Marcus執筆,撰寫其幼年生活到1964年開始進入兒童繪本插畫領域的創作歷程。海倫‧奧森柏莉的創作熱情和自我突破相信一定能為創作者帶來諸多感動,當然也包括看著海倫‧奧森柏莉的書長大的讀者粉絲們。

A fascinating, beautiful and definitive account of the life of esteemed artist Helen Oxenbury.

Filled with insights that span Helen Oxenbury's life, from her early childhood through a unique career in children's books that began in 1964 and is still going strong today, here is an exquisitely designed and thoroughly entertaining celebration of one of the finest English illustrators of our time. Written by acclaimed author Leonard S. Marcus, Helen Oxenbury: A Life in Illustration is a keepsake that is sure to engage and delight everyone from scholars to art aficionados to the many children and adults who have grown up with Helen Oxenbury’s enchanting books.

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