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黃金拍檔Mac Barnett和Jon Klassen最新作品「■」四角形(Square)

這是童書獎項常勝二人組Mac Barnett和Jon Klassen第三度合作,以兩人深愛的「青蛙與蟾蜍(Frog and Toad)系列」為靈感來源,共同發想出以友誼貫串的系列故事,並利用簡單幾何圖形的特性,創造出性格鮮明且耐人尋味的角色。三角形(Triangle)是「形狀三部曲」的第一本,四角形(Square)是「形狀三部曲」的第二本,充滿鬼祟逗趣的幽默把戲,不論大人小孩看了都會噗哧一笑。 
曾獲愛倫坡文學獎的Mac Barnett,和曾同時拿下凱迪克金、銀牌獎雙料殊榮的Jon Klassen,兩人合作的兩本書──《神奇的毛線》、《一直一直往下挖》──分別獲得2013及2015凱迪克銀牌獎,是童書界備受矚目的黃金拍檔。

The second installment in the shape trilogy from the dynamic dream-team of Jon Klassen and Mac Barnett.

"A typically original delight” Daily Mail

Every day, Square brings a block out of his cave and pushes it up a steep hill. This is his work. When Circle floats by, she declares Square a genius, a sculptor! “This is a wonderful statue,” she says. “It looks just like you!” But now Circle wants a sculpture of her own, a circle! Will the genius manage to create one? Even accidentally?

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