Eric and the Striped Horror | 拾書所

Eric and the Striped Horror

$ 199 元 原價 330



Eric是一位平凡小男孩,熱愛足球,跟所有的小朋友一樣討厭考試。不幸的是,大考即將來臨,幸好他的阿姨Rose 旅行途中從南非寄來奇特的禮物---一件臭臭髒髒的,但是有魔法的條紋毛衣。穿上他的人,可以立刻變聰明。怕魔法被洗掉,所以這件衣服從來沒洗過。魔法毛衣的確讓Eric腦筋變聰明,順利征服考試,但這件又臭又髒的毛衣,會不會帶給其他人困擾呢?魔法毛衣帶來的都是好事嗎?

Eric is an ordinary boy who loves football, and hates tests. Unluckily, a big test is coming up! Then his Auntie Rose sends him a very strange present from her travels in South America: an ugly, stinky, stripy jumper with magical powers. It can turn the wearer into a genius, so long as it is never washed. Eric finds the jumper really does have a miraculous effect on his brain power – but can there be too much of a good thing?

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